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Columbia case study

Today we are proud to speak about a Best Practice Approach to Shoe Development Through Mind Technology’s Software Applications.

The winner of the Mind ShoeDesign Software contest is?

Last year we launched footwear designers a challenge in the form of a contest. To use our Mind ShoeDesign Software to produce a conceptual model subject to the theme “Sustainability”.

TITLI - MSD Contest

The Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, accepted Mind's challenge to participate on the international Mind ShoeDesign Award Contest. The contest, under the theme of Sustainability, and promoted by Mind, APICCAPS, CTCP and Shoelutions, is a competition open to professional and non-professional designers worldwide, while there is a simultaneous competition specifically reserved for school students.

TF UNIBL - MSD Contest

The Faculty of Technology, University in Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, accepted Mind's challenge to participate on the international Mind ShoeDesign Award Contest. The contest, under the theme of Sustainability, and promoted by Mind, APICCAPS, CTCP and Shoelutions, is a competition open to professional and non-professional designers worldwide, while there is a simultaneous competition specifically reserved for school students.

PUoT - MSD Contest

The Polytechnic University of Tirana, located in Tirana, Albania, accepted Mind's challenge to participate on the international Mind ShoeDesign Award Contest. The contest, under the theme of Sustainability, and promoted by Mind, APICCAPS, CTCP and Shoelutions, is a competition open to professional and non-professional designers worldwide, while there is a simultaneous competition specifically reserved for school students.

Escola Profissional de Felgueiras - MSD Contest

The Felgueiras Professional School, located in Felgueiras, Portugal, accepted Mind's challenge to participate on the international Mind ShoeDesign Award Contest. The contest, under the theme of Sustainability, and promoted by Mind, APICCAPS, CTCP and Shoelutions, is a competition open to professional and non-professional designers worldwide, while there is a simultaneous competition specifically reserved for school students.