MindCAD 2D for Footwear V5.3 release offers the following new features and enhancements:

Import/ Export

Enhanced importer engine
The importer engine, based on ruleset (pre-defined import rules, definable by MindCUT Model Importer software) was enhanced to import DXF-AAMA, ISO, GBR and other formats, preserving and extrapolating the supplied information.

The expanded ruleset engine imports now more complex and complete models, preserving information such as notches and quality areas.

Drawing Tools

Enhanced line extension
You can now easily extend the line you are editing by selecting the direction – at start and/ or at end of line - using the Extend/ Shorten Line tool. This feature also overcomes some uncertainty in the lines’ length when they have overlapping ends.

Magnetic tools applied to a single line
Allow the use of “magnetic” tools (snapping) when there is only one line.

Break line by defined angle
Use the “Break line by Angle” tool to divide a line based on the angle between line segments, effectively detecting potential corners with a live preview. This will generate multiple segments enabling easier application of treatments, for instance.

New Preferences defining part contents
You can define, on Parts Preferences, how to represent, by default, the parts content.

Enhanced punch creation tool
You can now define Delta X and Delta Y parameters on punch creation, thus guaranteeing more detail and precision.

Generate the punch, save it at the library and apply it to your model.

Create and use new corner templates
Configure and save new corners templates.

Apply them while editing the parts.

New editing history features - shadow editing
Define the history recording mode – manual or automatic -, save editing snapshots, and review the history track record. Select and recover a history step from the track record.

Line creation using points coordinates
Define a line adding constrained new points, using the parametric interface, enabling you to define the new point position by absolute or relative position, distance, or angle.

Scale and resize elements
All the scaling or resizing tools where a “symmetric change” of the elements’ scale makes sense have now a “link/ unlink” option on fields’ values, to enable quick symmetric behavior.

Part Matching

Enhanced stitch simulation tool
Use the simulation tool to walk the parts against each other using boundary or predefined stitch line as connection reference. Easier setup of parts to be evaluated and quicker relationship establishment procedure with additional matching options.


New grading features
Enhanced grading display, definition, and measurement tools, and easy definition of grading parameters – including main grading and sub-grading concepts.
You can now create more than a sub-grading on the same line.

Assign colors to sub-grades
Define different colors to the defined sub-grading, for easier visual differentiation.


Inclusion of seam lines
Enhanced treatment tool for seam lines definition and application to parts.

Treatments with variable offsets
Use the new Offset types for Treatments at the tool options, to define the treatments offset default parameters.
Define the treatments offsets interactively, as well, guided by the offset helper tools.


Images MIP mapping
Improved quality of the overlayed images, using MIP maps – pre-calculated, optimized sequences of images, each of which is a progressively lower resolution representation of the previous. This approach enhances the rendering from large textures, speeding up rendering times, and reducing stress on the GPU or CPU.

Define points in the Cartesian space
All the tools and information regarding XY space orientation follows the cartesian space standard: X “grows” to the right, Y upwards.